© Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School (2023)
Our Lady of Dolours School Enrolment Process
School Fee Information
Applications for enrolment online
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Our lady of Dolours School. Please find the link below to your child’s online application for enrolment.
You will need to click on the link below, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form, before your application will be submitted to us. We will then contact you regarding the next steps in the enrolment process.
If applying for enrolment for more than one student, when the form is completed, an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.
A $50 application fee per form applies, payable when submitting an application for enrolment.
Please click on the link below to make a credit card payment for the $50.00 enrolment application fee.
Enrolment Application Fee Payment
Please click on the link below to make a credit card payment for the $300.00 confirmation of enrolment fee.
Enrolment Confirmation Fee Payment
Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.
A copy of the print version of the Application for Enrolment Kit is also available via the school office.