© Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School (2023)
About the P&F
As part of the OLD school community, parents are automatically part of the P&F. The P&F aims to foster a welcoming and vibrant school community and supports the School's Vision, Mission and Values. We do this by:
Providing a mechanism to involve parents/carers in their children's education and the school community. Developing collaboration between parents/carers and school staff. Promoting the principles of Catholic education. Fostering a distinctive Christian environment in the school. Providing a medium for parents/carers to participate at Diocesan, State and National levels.
The P&F runs many events and activities throughout the year including: School Lunch Days. Mother's and Father's Day stalls. Book Club. Canteens at sporting carnivals. Community BBQs. Other events like discos, movie nights, colour runs, art shows, fairs and high teas (if chosen to hold them).
These events raise funds to support our students and school but more importantly to bring our families and community together. The activities of the P&F are vitally supported by parents who take on active roles as coordinators and supporters for the various activities and events that occur each year. Proudly, in 2021, the P&F provided funds to the school that had been raised and committed over successive years, consolidated for the new school administration building and the proposed works to the front entrance from Willcocks Street. Other recent financial contributions have covered a range of items including technology resources; Year 6 graduation evening; new representative sports shirts; lunch for staff to celebrate World Teacher's Day; and the recent purchase of a much-needed new oven for the school kitchen. The success of the P&F rests with all of us. MeetingsP & F meetings are held in the staff room on the second Monday of the month at 6.00 p.m. The Annual General Meeting is held in November and at this meeting, all Executive roles are vacated and the election of the new members of the Executive for the following year takes place.
Details on dates and specifics of events are communicated through email updates, newsletters and Facebook:
Contact us via email at old.pandf@gmail.com if you have any ideas, queries or feedback at any time. Please also keep an eye on our Facebook Page for updates Constitution
Should you wish to read more download the constitution of the P&F Association, Our Lady of Dolours School. Reimbursement Form
For any reimbursement of expenses from the P&F a completed form must be provided with receipts. Please note all requests are to be discussed by the P&F and minuted before reimbursement will be issued.
Download Reimbursement Form | Download Reimbursement Form