Message from the Principal
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Welcome to Our Lady of Dolours School
 © Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School (2023)
In exploring other school's websites, you will no doubt read of the many unique virtues of each individual school. Without question one of the loudest proclaimed virtues of O.L.D Mitchelton is the embracing and nurturing sense of community, experienced not only by the students themselves, but their parents, families and visitors. The most nurturing of all communities is the smallest, the family. Being a small school we aim to represent family values as we live, love and learn in Christ.
Our Lady of Dolours has established its celebrated reputation by providing quality Catholic Education for families in the parish and beyond for over 60 years. Our Lady of Dolours is founded in the spirit of the Good Samaritan Sisters and Benedictine teachings of love, service and welcome and overseen by the care and guidance of Mother Mary.
While small in size we are large in achievements. Our committed, professional staff are dedicated to embracing modern teaching pedagogies and differentiating the curriculum for each learner. Student growth and achievement, well-being and happiness are our focus as we work in partnership with our parents and parish.
Following perusal of our website, if you wish to experience some of the gifts our community has to offer, we warmly encourage you to visit us at Our Lady of Dolours for yourself.
May peace be with you,Mrs Tricia Howard Principal